7 workwear ideas that are smart and stylish for Summer 2022
Oh how I love Summer, and especially a Summer after most covid restrictions are gone and we can dress-up and go out at last! It feels more exciting this year and getting dressed for the office is usually something to look forward to. I say usually because I’ve had a lot of comments in my inbox from my clients new and old struggling to dress after the Pandemic.
I keep hearing the same things over and over again. Do any of these resonate with you when you think about your wardrobe?
I don’t know the key pieces to buy
My wardrobe is a mish-mash of different styles
I find online shopping time consuming and rarely successful
I don’t have the time to plan and shop for my wardrobe
I feel lost with my style
I haven’t updated my wardrobe since before the pandemic.
The fact is, walking into shops or trawling the shop online is very time-consuming and unless you are clear on what to buy, it’s rarely successful. Also, if you haven’t refreshed your wardrobe since the pandemic then it’s likely to be looking dated.
Dress codes have relaxed so perhaps your wardrobe is more suitable to office life before lockdown? I often see wardrobes that are full of formal clothes in dated shapes that only serve to make you look too formal and dated.
It’s so hard to know where to start and what to buy to change it up, so that’s why I created this blog. My round-up of the KEY pieces to have in your wardrobe NOW. The current cuts and styles that will make sure you look stylish and smart back in the office.
SEVEN Key items to get a smart and stylish summer work wardrobe
A simple shirt dress
The epitome of smart/stylish office attire. This shape suits all bodyshapes and makes sure you look professional but not too formal plus these dresses work brilliantly when it’s really hot.
There are many versions in the shops. On the Highstreet, Reiss are generally very good at smart/casual workwear and have lovely shirt dresses. I love this one below by Isabel Marant.
2. Slouchy/wide trousers
What to know about trousers this season is that they are worn either wide or slouchy. Cullottes, slouchy tailored, high waisted are all current. By adding a couple of pairs of these trousers to your wardrobe you will have easy work wear options. Wear with raffia wedges, clean fresh white trainers, sandals or slingbacks.
I like Arket, Me&Em and H&M for high street versions. For higher-end, Joseph have a great selection.
Image @pinterest
Image @symphonyofsilk
3. Coloured trousers
I’ve decided to give these their own place in my countdown. Yes slouchy trousers and cullottes are ‘in’ as are cargo pants but also brightly coloured trousers have made a comeback. I love pink and red but I’m seeing green trousers everywhere and what a nice change to lockdown jogging bottoms!
Me&Em have this stunning pair that THREE of my personal shopping clients have bought in the past two weeks! They also do a blue pair that look like a skirt - very voluminous and striking.
5. Boucle or tweed jacket
I love tweed and boucle because they add interest and texture to an outfit plus have a Chanel-esq vibe about them. In short, they are cool and classy and make sure you look polished too.
This Veronica Beard tweed jacket is gorgeous at the higher end. On the high street there are lots of choices with Mango and Zara leading the way.
Mango orange tweed jacket
6. Elevated blouses
Make sure you’ve got a couple of really good quality blouses. At least one in a neutral and at least one in a strong block colour or pattern. It’s quite a thing to dress in head-to-toe neutrals right now and it is a very elegant look but that alone will become boring. That’s where the colour comes in, by adding some colour and pattern you can bring some personality to your outfits.
It’s helpful to get your colours done so you know which neutrals suit your skin tone and which colours really flatter you. The right colours can make you look younger, fresher and more rested; the wrong colours can drain you and make you look tired or washed out. I do colour analysis as part of my wardrobe edit session.
The main point I’m trying to make here is that by making sure you have good quality blouses in silk or cotton you will look more pulled together and feel stylish and professional.
Beautiful Vince silk blouse
7. Lucky number 7 is Summer shoes - but what shoes to wear in 2022? Well, I’ve been wearing raffia wedges practically my whole life and they are huge again this season. They were created back in the 70’s by Yves Saint Laurent and do have a 70’s vibe about them, - perfect for wearing with flared jeans or wide leg trousers. Plus, you can walk in them - if you can’t do heels like me, this is a God send as a bit of height literally and figuratively elevates an outfit!
Another great option for Summer 2022 that is professional but still stylish is a sling back. These have been hugely popular amongst influencers for a couple of years now, starting with the classic Chanel slingbacks. I am totally lusting after those but can’t justify £700+ on a pair of shoes so instead, I love the neutral sling backs below by Jigsaw.
Raffia wedges come in all colours and heights now. I like to have a neutral and a red in my wardrobe. Castana are THE raffia wedges brand - click below to see all the options.
How is your wardrobe looking after the Pandemic? If you are in need of an update I would love to help. In just one week you could have a completely styled and refreshed wardrobe that suits you perfectly without the usual time consuming hassles of clothes shopping. Sound good? Get in touch today - I only have two spaces left in June so don’t leave it too late!