How to do public speaking and what to wear when you do with Caroline Goyder

This is a special episode dedicated to public speaking with grace, confidence & gravitas with a true expert, Caroline Goyder.

Lots of us have to get up and speak to a crowd at some point and confidence is key!

I've known Caroline for many years now and love her compassionate, calm take on how you can own a stage. She is the queen of owning who you really are and leaning into that - not trying to be someone you are not or someone other people expect you to be.

This is a big part of the essence of The Style Stories Podcast. Being authentically who you are through your style but also in how you speak and act! In this episode we covered:

- How important it is to say yes to things that scare you

- How to be authentically yourself when public speaking/on stage and why it matters

- How to battle the nerves and self-doubt

- How everyone has imposter syndrome and why that is a good and normal thing!

- Also, what to wear when public speaking 👗

Caroline Goyder is the author of 3 books with two of them dedicated to public speaking.

She has done a Ted Talk that has been watched over 10 MILLION times! Watch that here.

She is also a course creator and has a ton of free resources to help you if you need to step up publicly at work.

Sign up to her newsletter in the links below to get a weekly tip on public speaking. 

Confidence Booster Audio - Free Audio:


Newsletter Sign Up - for confidence tips:


UK book links:

Amazon - Find Your Voice:

Amazon - Gravitas:


Caroline's USA (com) links:

Amazon Com - Find Your Voice

Amazon Com - Gravitas


Find Caroline on Instagram here:


Find Lisa (host) on Instagram here:


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